Monday, January 22, 2007

Back To Work

Wow this week off flew by in a blink of an eye. Although I was sick for two thirds of it, I must say it was a nice seven days away from the salt mines. I was not able to get out on my bikes like I really wanted, but a little cycling and a great hike with B-boy Deluxe was still awesome!

How odd. A guy I graduated high school with contacted my sister trying to find me. I found it odd as I never hung out with him and he has never crept into my thoughts since '81 (egads, has it been that long?!!!) I contact my friend, Brian, to see if he has been contacted by him and oddly, this same guy has given Brian an insurance proposal.

Oh dear Lord, please tell me this wasn't just a telemarketer who is trying to use our shared high school past as an in!...

Project Discovery Update
So I after this week off, that was not filled with the physical activity I thought it would contain, I have broken through the plateau! YIPPEE!!! I have lost five pounds somehow. Hey, by the end of the day, I could give a couple pounds back, but I'm taking it!

A last thought on how I ended my vacation. Although I love San Francisco and consider the Bay Area my home, here are some photos from Chicago prior to and after this weekend's game. Yeah, it would have been a blast being in Chicago this weekend!

And you thought the SNL skit was just a joke!
Hey, ya need to keep warm somehow!

You think the city was into the game?

Yeah, I think Chicago was into this game!

Peace and it's back to the grind stone!