Friday, December 15, 2006

The Talk

I was going to do another post about Rosie O'Donnell's lame apology, but you'll need to go to YouTube yourself to see it. Rather, under much prodding from me, it was time for Andrea to have "the talk" with Soraya. Soraya is in fifth grade and we did not want her to be the only one who thought that the stork brings babies. Thus it was time for Andrea to do her motherly duties and teach Soraya about the facts of life.

Those who know me, know that I have no problem with the subject of sex. I do not think it is dirty, nor naughty...unless it's naughty in a fun way! I believe we make way too much out of sex and sexuality. I think the early American Puritans totally messed us up with their views on sex and priorities.

But, none the less, talking about it with a ten-year-old is not on the top of my fun things to do list. So with that, Andrea, Soraya is your responsibility. I'll take care of Brandon. I just need to learn to clean a shotgun for Soraya's future dates!

We did what we thought was smart and purchased a book about it for Soraya, It's Perfectly Normal. Now, don't let the cartoonish drawings fool you! This book goes into great detail about sex...and very graphically!

After seeing some of the comical yet very realistic illustrations, I thought to myself, "Thank God, Andrea is talking to Soraya about this book!" I would get all tongue tied and eventually it would end up under the "Go ask your mother!" category. Yeah, that's responsible!

Now Andrea being the brave soul, threw it on Soraya's bed and told her, "You need to read this book..." What the?! I could have done that!!! I think Andrea was too embarrassed to have a meaningful discussion with her daughter about the birds and the bees. Thank you Puritans. (Okay, admittedly, I bravely ran away when it came to Soraya and sex!)

Now, let's be clear, if it were up to my parents' wise teachings about sex, my sisters and I probably would think that people get pregnant from kissing. Yeah, I learned about sex the way about 99.9% of kids do, on the street.

I don't want you to think that we took this lightly with Soraya, but geez. Anyhow, I think it's more important to teach Soraya how not to have sex, but if she decides to, how to do it safely. How about that for talking out of both sides of my mouth?!

I have a few years before it's my turn with Brandon. I think I have some reading to do...

...One last thing, when we asked Soraya if she read the book, she stated, "I already know about that stuff..." Yep, one of the 99.9%.