Monday, December 11, 2006

It's The Real Thing

Wow...time flies as one gets older! A friend of a friend said to me, which I think is true, "Don't forget to slow down and enjoy life. Because life tends to be like a roll of toilet paper. The further along you go the faster it runs out."

It seems like I was just updating regarding Project Discovery.

I don't do drugs. I barely drink alcohol. But my biggest vice is the damn Coca-Cola. I love the stuff! And not the Diet version, nor the Zero incarnation. Gimme the fully caffeinated, fully sugared, Classic Coca-Cola coursing through my veins.

This started out as a child. As a young lad I had quite a sweet tooth. I loved the sugar. For breakfast I was visited by the Captain, Captain Crunch that is. Cookies for lunch! Later in the day I would get that extra boost to keep me going from the favorite drink of Mean Joe Green. This dentist's recommended diet soon morphed its way into 12 cavities. Whoops.

Now as an adult, I don't have anywhere near the desire for sugar. My addiction has changed to fatty salty foods...lovely. However, I have never lost my lust for Coca-Cola. She has been a mistress that I have struggled to walk away from and she is trying to derail Project Discovery.

This is the amount of sugar in each container of The Real Thing...

Yet I have been a good boy. Bringing my lunch to work, because I can control, somewhat, what goes into my body. I am drinking water and just fondling the Coca-Cola dispenser in our lunch room. Yes, the desire runs deeply.

So here we are, two weeks into Project Discovery...and this morning's weigh-in?

I have lost 2.5 pounds as of the official weigh-in!