Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thunder Chunky Xmas Project

As many of you know, I have dabbled in the arts through out my life. I have drawn, painted, written short stories, poems, songs and even acted (hey, that semester of acting class in junior college counts!) I have always been drawn towards these creations that many times have no monetary value, but their emotional value, as the commercial states - priceless.

Thanks to Andrea I discovered an artist named Pascal Campion. He does little comics and animation. Some very funny and whimsical and always able to bring a smile to my face. Campion has a link to an artists' project based in the United Kingdom called the Thunder Chunky Xmas Project. Every day throughout December the website will be highlighting a different artist's work that reflects the Holiday season. Very cool and very fun!


I am always curious what or who dictates what is actually art? Is it art when an "artist" doodles? Is it art when a first timer spends his or her life working on one piece? Is rap an art, although the rapper sampled others' work?

Is this art?...

This is a question that forever plagues the so-called experts. I often find that the ones that somehow get annointed with that expert title are so far removed from the general public that their points of view are not reflective of the masses.

But I urge you to take a gander at the Thunder Chunky Xmas Project. If nothing better it might bring a daily smile (or scowl) to your face and expose you to some new artists. Hopefully it will challenge you to expand what you call art.

Oh yeah, the website is, or check out my Places To Waste Your Time links...
