Saturday, November 25, 2006

Project Discovery

Well the first thing I must say, my store rocked! My managers were awesome!

So, now that Black Friday is over's time to get down to business. People are always telling me that I look really good. That I am not overweight. The thing about being skinny is that although my clothed version of me looks okay, it belies the truth. I hold almost all my weight in one area...I bet you can guess where.

I tend to look like one of those glass birds who dip into water for what seems like forever. Scrawny up top, but what's going on with that waist line?! Yeah, I look like the bird on the right. Although, Andrea tells me that Tweety's head size sort of looks like mine. I tell her that my melon is full of grey matter, Andrea tells me that maybe it's fat. Sometimes I tend to agree with her.

So the post-Thanksgiving weigh in puts me at about 8 pounds over what I would like to be at. Although I would like to be lighter, I have read that for my height and age, 145 is a good weight.

So I am naming the next two months, Project Discovery. No I am not discovering what a fat slob I am...I already know that. I am naming the December and January after the procycling team, Discovery. Now I have no illusions that anytime in my life could I have ridden for Lance Armstrong's former team...I just would like to get back into riding shape. Not the shape of the Goodyear blimp...

So here's the Superbowl XLI...what the Hell?!!! It sounds like a Lexus?! Anyhow, by Superbowl XLI, Sunday, February 4, 2007, I would like to be at 145 pounds or lighter. We won't go into the body fat percentage, as that is another challenge. Eight pounds in approximately eight weeks.

The obstacle? this is a good time to put on a layer of winter fat! But by naming my "project" and putting it out here for you all to see...I think I can do it!

Project Discovery...can Neil lose eight pounds in eight weeks?...stay tuned for updates...