Great Googly Moogly!
So I just dropped Soraya and Brandon off for a Thanksgiving visit with their father. The drop off happens to be in Las Vegas. Yes, I did call Las Vegas my residence for about three years of my adult life, nevertheless, now that I visit Sin City several times a year, I realize I never want to move back.Yes, yes, yes...I know that there are many nice and sincere folks who live in the middle of the desert and there is some sweet mountain bike riding near Red Rock...blah, blah, blah...
The fact that the first thing one is greeted with at the airport is the nonstop cha-ching of the slots is not necessarily what I consider high culture. Soraya, Brandon and I exited our Southwest flight and instantly I could hear the jingle of mass profit for the airport. Tourists in ill-fitting Rolling Stones tees filled the one-armed bandits with coin after coin. Ahhh...paradise...
We then walked by the packed smoking section. It was a glass walled room that allegedly kept the smoke from the people who choose a slow death from those of us who abhor black wasn't working. Although by the looks of California's air quality as our plane departed, it's a moot point...
I just don't think I want to live in a city whose slogan is, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!"
Okay, I'm no prude and admittedly I do have a dark, naughty side...but great googly moogly, let's not advertise it! I will agree that a weekend of debauchery is all good and fine, and sometimes even medicinal, but I just don't want the entire free world coming to my town to partake in all that madness.
Let's just keep Las Vegas in the desert away from my home and I'll be fine...