Happy 40th!!!
I have friends who I feel very blessed to count as such. Shawn would be one of those friends. He is actually a nice guy who finished first. My life lately seems to have totally been filled to the brim, yet even when I have not called for quite some time, Shawn is always there to talk.
I met Shawn many moons ago and I have been privileged to watch him grow from a hard working college student to an amazing and successful businessman. I always knew that he would find his success and riches. (Shawn...didn't I tell you, long ago, that you would be my richest friend?!) By the way, look to the Places To Waste Your Time section to the right for a link to his company's website, Income Property Services.
When Shawn is into something he seems to always approach it with such passion. I remember fondly of long nights in "The Cabana" practicing our guitars together. He had such enthusiasm for our "art". Although looking back at it now, I do believe he had more heart and soul into the music than I ever did. There was always his belief in his songs.
I have never known someone with so much enthusiasm for life and people. He is the first one to encourage all the friends to do better, and that we can do it. I was depressed when I was transferring to our Reno store. Shawn came to me and told me how cool it was to move...how I should see it as an adventure. He was the one who made me feel better and has changed my attitude about the possibilities in life.
Shawn is the proverbial "glass half-full". I have only once seen him really furious (although I am sure Mich has lots to tell...*smiles*) Our friend Brian has named Shawn "Switzerland" as he almost always is able to keep from falling into the fray. Our typical "guy" banter will be flowing and there will be Shawn gently smiling watching us trade insults. A little warning...Switzerland does have a scud or two waiting in the shadows!
Shawn is a great father, a great husband and a great friend...happy birthday Shawn!