Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sea Shells By The Sea Shore

Oh yeah, it was a glorious day out at Ocean Beach in San Francisco. It's funny how days that one expects to be somewhat tedious turns into something fantastic.

Today would be one of those moments...

Andrea was volunteering at an art show at the Fort Mason Center down in the Marina. I needed to drive her to the show, as Andrea lacks the confidence yet to drive in the City. So we packed the kids into the Escape and up the 280 we went.

Her volunteer time was to last three hours and I was under pressure to entertain the leetle ones for 180 minutes. It was too far to drive home to San Jose, so it was hanging in San Francisco for Soraya, Brandon and me. What to do, what to do...

The Beach!...luckily for us, the weather was amazing today!

We quickly wound our way through the City, past the Cliff House and out to the mighty Pacific. As we rounded the turn by the Cliff House, Brandon exclaimed, "Wow!!! Look at all that beach!!!"

What an amazing day. The sun beamed down on us as I rolled up their jeans (Unfortunately, Soraya's were not rolled up high enough and she did not heed my warnings about straying a little too deep into the little pools of water. The lower half of her jean's legs were soaked!) They...we...had a blast as they roamed the sands collecting a small herd of sea shells.

Three hours later we dusted off our feet and picked up Andrea at Fort Mason. The sun slowly setting over the Pacific. Yep...that's what I love about each day, you never know where the day will lead. here I type ending a wonderful day...tomorrow, I have my first "official" weigh in for Project Discovery. I have been a good boy. Let's hope it pays off at the scale.