Thursday, December 14, 2006

Rosie "I'm A Hypocrite" O'Donnell


When will these celebrities ever learn? Now add Rosie O'Donnell to the list of idiot celebrities to using inappropriate terms when referring to another ethnicity. And to make it worse, her response was that she was not mocking another ethnicity's language. What the?!!! Puhleez! Don't treat us like idiots too!

This is a woman who champions gay rights (which is good), but does not see the total hypocrisy in her actions. It's okay for her to make fun of someone else's language, but not someone else. She's a comedian so it's okay for her, er, just like Michael Richards Rosie?

This is an AWESOME editorial to her comments on the View.

Now once again, I am for understanding the intent. But as a person in the public eye, one would think that O'Donnell would be more intelligent than this comment. I guess morons come in all shapes, colors, sizes and genders...