Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sunday, February 18, 2007

It's about two months away but I am really getting excited about the return of the Tour of California. That would be the premier cycling event in the United States. Now the good citizens of Georgia and Philadelphia might argue that their events are older and more prestigious, but c'mon now!

How's that for California arrogance?!!! And anyhow, what's with calling it the Tour de Georgia?! Since when is French the official language of Georgia. Tour Of California, nice ring to it!

Last year was amazing as it was my first procycling event that I have ever attended. I have watched many on the television, but never have I felt the excitement of a live event.

I was privileged to see the start of the stage two right through the heart of Martinez. The peloton did a couple of parade laps right in downtown Martinez so we were able to view the riders at a slower, more relaxed pace a couple of times!

I was lucky to attend the start with my best friend Joe for two reasons. The first is very practical. Joe knew just where to park, so we would not get a ticket, nor have our cars towed. Very cool!

The second and more important reason was and is Joe is indeed my best friend. Just for reference, I have been friends with Joe for, ahem, 38 years. And he's put up with me for all these decades. I don't nearly get enough time to spend with him as we both have families to attend to and our (maybe it's just mine) work seems to get more and more involved. But I think Joe could see how excited I was to see many of these riders I just have viewed on OLN and to experience it with him was awesome!

After the parade laps, which I must say were very cool, Joe and I said our goodbyes (Joe had work). Like a crazed maniac I drove to Lafayette to view the peloton again. The following little video is what I saw in Lafayette.

Very funny eh?...Yep, I walked about 15 minutes to this location, as civilian cars were not allowed on the road. Then I waited another 10 to 15 minutes to see the peloton pass. All one minute of it. But it was awesome. And yes, that would be me whooping and screaming, "Go Big George!!!"

Would I do it again? Absolutely!!! That is why I am SO excited about Sunday, February 18, 2007. That is the day of the Prologue in San Francisco. Will I be attending a stage to watch the minute of riders fly by? Once again, ABSOLUTELY!

Just in case you cannot make it to a stage, the Tour Of California will be on the Versus channel, formerly known as OLN. And one last thing, the link to the Tour Of California is listed in my Places To Waste Your Time links.