Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sumos And Cycling

Well...I have been on vacation and lately I feel sort of like the picture below. I feel the deeper I get in my years, the more I desire to go shirtless and wear man diapers...

No, actually...lately I am understanding the battle of the bulge all too well. My physical therapist/personal trainer friend, Heidi, says I just need to find time to get my butt out there and on the bike. She knows I am no longer a runner as the bones just can't take the jarring. So it's cycling for me. And the real truth is when I am doing my first love, mountain biking, I love the feeling of being out there by myself...

However, I always argue it is about the general lack of time. Going back to that Kaczynski thing, I thought all these modern marvels should help me out!

But I really do need to get back on the bike more often. This way I can look like these guys:

Okay, actually, I don't want to look like these two, especially the one on the right. They are Christian Vandevelde and Michael Barry, two professional bike racers. See?!...maybe too much cycling is a bad thing! Now back to the real world...I am not that disciplined. These two guys together probably weigh as much as me!...and don't get me depressed about body fat percentage.

Wait a second...you know what? It's not just the time, it's the preparation. I went mountain biking today and I always dread the prep beforehand. Filling my Camelback, packing a jersey, checking my bike, taking off the front tire of my bike and then loading it on top of my Xterra...then I drive to the trailhead and unload my bike, put on the front wheel, change into my jersey, take off my shorts (my bike shorts are underneath, although Joe always said that was the moment of truth...) put on my shoes. Geez! That's a chore!

Once I get out there, it's usually heaven for me. You know the saying about the worst day fishing? The same goes for mountain biking. Okay, let's face it, I just need to stop with the excuses and get out there...