Monday, September 11, 2006

Peace's 9:40 p.m. on September 11, 2006. The anniversary has come and gone for all intents and purposes. I watched Nine Innings From Ground Zero again. I watched a two hour documentary on CBS. I recorded another documentary on HBO and another on MSNBC. I totally get absorbed by what happened that horrible day. I relive it with much sadness and can one human being, or in this case many, hate a government that much that one would kill over 3,000 people?

I stated in an earlier post that I was relieved that I was not needed to fly today. Although maybe paranoid, this is what 9/11 has done to me. It is probably what it has done to many in the entire world. It has made us a little more cynical, paranoid and distrustful...

We learned sad lessons of the world we now live in. We are all a little less innocent...give someone you love a hug and a kiss...

Here's to peace and healing...