It's Up To Me To Be Drug Free
Well, so much for another school year. It seems like every year goes by faster and faster. A friend of a friend, Ron, once gave me this advice:Life is like a roll of toilet paper. It goes faster as it goes along...
Thankfully it wasn't about my life being related to someone's butt. But that is another story.
With the end of the year, it's time to retire the current year's back packs. It's time to empty the contents and decide what are heirlooms and memories and what are destined for the garbage can. One of the most curious to come out of all of this is Soraya's anti-drug bookmark.
Soraya has always been the little artist of the kids. In her class they were all to make bookmarks warning against the evils of drug usage. From there, the students (and teacher, I suppose) would decide which bookmark would be copied, laminated and made into a grade-wide book mark. Guess whose won? This is the second contest of such nature for Soraya to win. In an earlier grade her drawing of a jellyfish was used for the class' field trip tee shirts.
Now, I am proud of her accomplishment(s), yet I am amazed (concerned) at the detail that went into this bookmark. The little skulls that frame the mark, the single light shining down, what does it all mean? What is going on in my little girl's head? (On a funny note, when the kids were younger they saw a billboard for Longs Drugs and they became very concerned that a business was selling drugs...) Why does the skull and cross bones sort of look like a demented lamb?
Another interesting item of note is that the "drugs" appear to be a bottle of vino...hmmm, again, what does that mean? Okay, all my wine loving friends, Soraya's watching you!
Maybe I'm reading too much into it. I had a long discussion with Shawn at the Police concert about the complexities of growing up these days. My job, with no formal training, is to help guide the kids to what is right, yet give them the freedom to find that path on their own. Am I up to it? Who knows...I guess we'll see...
Pets are so much easier.