Friday, February 02, 2007

Gutter, Nothing But Gutter

I work in the western division of my company. Within the West, we are broken down into smaller regions. I happen to work in region 2. What I love about working in region 2 is that my boss, Jack, happens to be one of my most influential mentors. Definitely my most influential mentor when it comes to my profession.

Jack preaches that we need to make our "measurables". We need to work hard, take smart risks, but above all make our measurables, the top one is being profitable. Cool...very clear it...

What I also really appreciate about Jack is that along with working hard, he believes in playing hard. If we're going to work like crazy people, we need to blow off steam, like crazy people.

Thus, after a great meeting for all the region 2 managers, we went bowling.

Now mind you, this meant about 100 fashion-driven executives, renting feet fungus, throwing 12 pound orbs, chugging down beers. Little did I know, out of all the executives, yours truly would be one of the worst!

As usual, my managers were looking for leadership from me. Unfortunately, when it came to bowling, they were to receive none, zilch, nada. What a time to bowl my worst game in my entire life! The only saving grace was that my gift wrap manager, who is about 5 feet tall and would stand at the line and just toss the ball down the lane, had a lower score than me. Thank goodness for Tess saving the tiniest shred of manhood that I had so sadly destroyed...

Stand to the center, the ball went to the left gutter. Stand to the far right, the ball went to the left gutter. Approach from the left and launch at the right, the ball went to the left gutter. I would like to say my bum right elbow caused all this, but in reality, I suck at bowling.

My grand total?...64...I'll go back to cycling...