Sunday, December 17, 2006

Quisp In The 21st Century

Yay!!! I received a package in the mail from my sister, Carol. I was not expecting anything so I opened the box with a good amount of curiosity. After tearing off the tape, I roared with laughter. It was a box of Quisp cereal!

For those of you who are unsure of who Quisp is he was a little pink-ish alien who hawked sugary cereal to we little urchins in the late 60's, early 70's. He wore a cool lime green uniform with a belt that had a pimped out "Q" buckle. On his head he had a propeller grounded into a thatch of black hair. How's that for a description?!

His arch-rival was Quake. He, like Quisp, had his own cereal. They were constantly at odds. We gripe about how the television advertisements are controlling kids minds these days, just take a wander back in time! Quaker Oats had an ad campaign where the children of America could vote to decide who would go, Quisp or Quake.

This was the cooler version of Quake.

What you must remember, this was a time prior to the internet or even "800" phone numbers. Quaker Oats was asking us to pay to vote! And in droves we did! In a short time, we voted that Quake needed to retire in a landslide victory. Curiously, the Q-cereals tasted exactly alike, so if we, the children of America, were voting on taste it was a wash.

So back to December 2006. It was about 5 a.m. and I was hungry. I looked through our cabinets and there, sitting on the shelf, was the unopened box of Quisp Carol had sent me. I could not remember what it tasted like. Although I remembered that it tasted exactly like Quake, I could not recall its flavor. What sugary goodness lay inside the cardboard box in the cupboard? When one needs to leave in a short time, he's hungry and has not showered yet, a little pink alien's cereal looks pretty damn good!

I grabbed a bowl and poured the concave bits of Quisp into it. They clinked softly as they struck the bottom of the bowl. Quickly I filled my bowl midway. I added the milk as it lifted the Quisp, floating in the creamy mix. Licking my lips, I took my first bite.

What the?!!!

Quisp was nothing more than Cap'n Crunch in disguise! All these years of waxing poetic over Quisp and it was nothing more than a marketing scheme! Sadly, I munched away. Tiny bowl shaped pieces of cereal tearing into my gums. Quisp, Quake, the Cap'n...damn that Quaker Oats guy...