Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Moe, Romulans And Soccer

Before I start droning on about soccer, I must ask the question. What is up with Asian kids and the haircuts?! I think that were allowed one of two haircuts.

The first being the spiked look. Not short enough that it's really the cool looking spikes, nope we look like porcupines on steroids. Sort of a Sonic the Hedgehog, but definitely not as cool.

The other, which I had many instances of, is the infamous bowl haircut. We all looked like little versions of Moe Howard...you know, the mean one of the Three Stooges. I remember many days sitting on the stool in our family room as my mom dutifully cut away at my locks, only to see a mirror image of me on television poking poor Curly's eyes!

Now my mom thought she was making me stylish by adding pseudo-cool sideburns to my do and all she did was make me look like a Romulan...maybe a Vulcan at best. Mom...just shave my eyebrows into little points and I'm there! Check out the soccer picture of me...notice the little pointy sideburns? I think dorks are a product of their upbringing not their genes...

God bless the stylest at Chez Le Mom's!!!

So, back to soccer. The picture, if you're wondering, is of me in October of 1972. Now no one was going to mistake me for Pele, however, I did make it onto the competitive squad. I'm not bragging, just sort of referencing. As a matter of fact, I was only good in soccer and baseball. Football?...definitely too scrawny. Basketball?...oh yeah, I like shoving my nose in the sweaty armpits of the other guys. Nope...soccer for me. I loved soccer, I was good and it was fun. It was like a ballet as I could see all the parts flowing into one "graceful" movement.

Fast forward to Saturday, October 7, 2006.

As I sat for almost three hours watching Soraya and Brandon play soccer, I was cheering, encouraging and shouting...er...feedback of their play. I want them to have fun. I want them to enjoy being on a team. For goodness sakes, I want their pointy butts out of the house and running around!

But there are times, when I wonder if I am expecting too much of their soccer abilities? Am I turning into one of those horrible parents one reads about. The one's who make the coaches and referees cringe? I don't think I'm reliving my soccer days through them...but I do pause to ponder.

Is it wrong to holler, "Brandon pay attention!" when your boy is picking the grass, oblivious of what is happening in the game? Or is it bad when I encourage Soraya to be aggressive in the game?

Admittedly, I do get frustrated when I see the other boys trying their hardest and Brandon is busy joking around on the pitch. I am filled with mixed emotions when Brandon complains that the other boys don't pass to him. Hey buddy, don't goof off so much and maybe they will!

What do I say to Soraya when I see her not trying her hardest? I know she doesn't love her team. Her last team was fabulous. Yet, I was taught that one tried one's hardest regardless of the situation. But there are times after the game she barely is breaking a sweat.

So many questions...*sighs*...they truly are fabulous kids...maybe they just need to take up badminton...