Friday, October 06, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

Generally I am a positive person in my day to day activities. I think it takes that kind of attitude to survive and succeed in the retail industry. However, people have a hard time realizing that even we "everything's coming up roses"-type folks have off days. Days when we can't crack a smile. Where all the evil juju's on this blue planet line up to kick us in the groin.

I think having a case of the blahs, the blues or the blecks is harder on citizens of the good ship Lollipop. It's like we are addicted to good feelings and when a day comes like this we are totally drained. Almost panicked as all our energy is sapped from our being. would be one of those days...

I believe one is allowed only 24 hours to feel sorry for one's self, then he or she must take action. So I am taking one of my few respites from being positive. For the following hours I am going to be cranky, unenergetic and generally no fun to be around.

There, I've said it...