Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The OK Corral

I dread Soraya growing older...

I know, I know, there is no stopping the aging process (From a selfish perspective, great googly-moogly, do I realize we ALL grow older!) But I also realize that with the addition of each year of life, come complexities that I hope Soraya will be able to deal with.

There is a girl at Soraya's school who seems to have it out for Soraya. As Soraya tends to be one of the smaller girls in her grade, I assume that this girl sees it as okay to pick on the tiny girl. Tearing through Soraya's lunch removing items, kicking her when no one is looking; all grade-school stuff, but as one grows, so does the torture.

Now, I don't want to encourage Soraya to actively seek confrontation, however, I really don't want her to hide every time this girl shows her face! There is a zero tolerance for violence code in the Cupertino School District, I get it. But, how does that help a child heal when they are the recipient of a black eye? Sure the "student" who committed the act is suspended, but only after attacking the victim.

It's difficult watching from the sidelines. Do I call the school and ask about this bully? Will a call to the school make it worse for Soraya? Do I let Soraya learn to stick up for herself? (Although, I do admit, I have coached her that she needs to not run away and hide in fear.) What is best for Soraya?

I hope Soraya will be okay. Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. The sideline sucks.

Geez, why can't she just stay a little girl...