Monday, April 16, 2007

58 Years

There is not a lot I can say that would truly express the love, gratitude, amazement, respect and all the other superlatives that would go with these two people I have known for my entire life. They have been there for me during the good times and during the way too many, er...times of opportunity...yeah, that's what I'll call them! Happy 58th anniversary Mom and Dad.

58 YEARS?!!! Great Gorilla of Manila! I hope I live to 58, let alone stay with someone, anyone, for that long! C'mon Andrea, you know you've wanted to throw me to the curb every now and then!

A brief list of some of the very cool things about my parents, is the following:
  1. Hey they put up with a knucklehead like me. That places them tops in my book by default!
  2. They met at I smell an office affair?!
  3. When all my aunts and uncles were in arranged marriages, my parents married out of love! Way to go Dad you old romantic!!!
  4. They eloped. How cool is that?!
  5. That they didn't give up after having two daughters. (I am very happy about that decision. Oh...and it's great that they gave me a little sister...)
  6. They still have our little art projects from elementary. Can we say smashed ceramic holly berries? Reader's Digest Santa? Egg carton pilgrims?
  7. Dad loves the A's and da Bears...and that Mom shows an interest in the A', very cool! We were watching the A's at dinner when the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake hit.
  8. My dad kisses my mom good night every single night!
  9. That they really do practice turning the other cheek.
  10. They haven't totally replaced their kids by dogs...
The list could be endless. They are fabulous parents, a person could not have asked for better. I certainly have lived a charmed life just being their son.

MOM & DAD!!!